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Tips To Prevent Hip Pain

Tips To Prevent Hip Pain

The hip joint is one of the most important joints of the human body, contributing significantly to balance, stability, strength, and range of motion. Problems related to the hip joint can cause extreme Hip Pain which is a serious condition that can affect your life negatively in a major way. There are many common conditions that can cause Hip Pain, including age-related ailments, bursitis, tendon damage, and damage from impacts and injuries. Hip Pains can also result from bad posture, alignment problems of the spine, and as a side effect of other ailments and obesity. To keep...

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Orthopedic Treatment for Torn ACL

Orthopedic Treatment for Torn ACL

ACL is a part of a complex group of four ligaments present inside the knee. It is the musculoskeletal part of the knee and is known as the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. The ACL is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and is prone to injury. It is most commonly observed in athletes who play heavy impact sports such as American football, Pro wrestling, Gymnastics, and combat sports. Women and younger athletes are more prone to a torn ACL. Older people are also seen to be affected by a torn ACL due to wear and tear of ligaments. Any heavy impact or a slip can cause the ACL...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Claw Toe

Orthopedic Treatment For Claw Toe

The claw toe is a common deformity of the toes where the middle region of one or more toes gets an excessive upward protrusion. The claw toe may be genetic, a result of a disease, surgery, or due to something as simple as wearing tight shoes. Understanding the causes, symptoms and treatment for this condition can help you identify it and work towards finding a solution for this unsightly condition that causes discomfort too. Causes: Inherited predisposition to acquiring the condition Diseases such as arthritis Constant inflammation of the toes An ankle injury A foot or an...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Trigger Finger

Orthopedic Treatment For Trigger Finger

A Trigger Finger or Stenosing Tenosynovitis, is a common problem that affects the fingers of the hand and restricts their movement. The patient experiences snapping or locking of the finger and the affected finger does not even straighten or move on its own. The other hand might be needed to straighten the finger and you may even hear a clicking sound while trying to make the movement. A Trigger Finger is often accompanied by swelling at the base of the finger and is more prone to occurring to diabetic patients and women in their 50s. Causes: Though the exact cause of a...

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Shoulder Impingement: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Shoulder Impingement: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is Shoulder Impingement, which is caused by repeated overhead motion. Athletes or sportspersons who are involved in swimming, tennis, overhead smashes, basketball, etc., often complain of shoulder pain. People, who do repeated activities such as construction work, painting a wall, etc., are also vulnerable to shoulder pain. Causes The shoulder is a complex structure that is made of three bones Clavicle, Humerus, and Scapula. The Rotator Cuff holds the arm in the shoulder socket and facilitates the motion. The muscles and tendons...

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