
The lower back region of the human body is a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, nerves, spinal discs and joints that can often be vulnerable to a number of different conditions which can result in low back pain. Typically, low back pain is a sign or symptom of a wide range of possible conditions that can be as simple as a strain or sprain or as serious and complicated as degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. Due to the large number of possibilities, low back pain is usually treated according to the symptoms manifested and can be open to a number of different lines of treatment.


Some of the most frequently seen causes of low back pain include:

  • Strains or sprains resulting from impact damage, overactivity and problems with posture.
  • Conditions that affect the spinal column, including degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, sciatica and spondylolisthesis.
  • Age-related problems arising from conditions like arthritis.
  • Problems arising from injury to the lower back and spine.

These causes represent a wide variety in terms of seriousness and the range of symptoms displayed need to be treated according to the specific requirements of each particular cause.


In most cases, low back pain caused by minor factors usually manifests for a few days and goes away naturally. In more serious cases, symptoms can become more severe and can last for longer durations of time. Here is a list of symptoms that are usually experienced by people affected with low back pain –

  • In the case of strains and sprains, the pain experienced is severe and gets worse during attempts at an activity like walking or moving.
  • The affected area can also be sore to touch and there can be instances of muscle spasms.
  • Any sudden movement or an attempt to lift heavy objects might make the pain even worse.
  • In case of conditions which involve the nerves like sciatica, there can be intense pain which radiates towards the legs and gets worse with long periods of complete inactivity.
  • In case of conditions that involve the spine, the pain can be extremely debilitating and can get worse after indulging activities.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Cases of lower back pain are usually treated in accordance with the condition that is the cause behind the symptoms. Spine doctors might prescribe periods of rest, the application of heat or ice packs and the use of painkillers to alleviate the pain. For more serious cases, doctors might prescribe the use of stints or crutches. For severe conditions which involve nerve roots or the spinal column, there might be need for surgical measures to achieve relief.

Visit OrthoTexas, Frisco TX for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for low back pain. To schedule an appointment with the spine specialists, call at (214) 618-5502

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