
The clavicle, commonly known as the collarbone, is a long bone that connects the shoulder blade to the upper part of the breastbone. Clavicle Fracture, or broken collarbone, is a very common injury that can be caused as a result of a direct blow or bump to the shoulder. Children and young adults are most likely to suffer from a Clavicle Fracture.


  • Falls: Falling against the shoulder with an outstretched hand can lead to a fracture in the clavicle bone.
  • Vehicle trauma: It can also be caused due to a bike, car, or other motor vehicle collision.
  • Sports injuries: Direct blow to the shoulder while playing sports can also cause the collarbone break.
  • Birth injury: Infants can also break their clavicle as a result of the force put in by the mother to deliver the baby.


  • Intense pain and inflammation
  • Pain increases while moving the shoulder
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness
  • Visible deformity or bump near the shoulder
  • Inability to lift the arm
  • Drooping shoulder
  • Cracking or grinding sound when trying to move the shoulder
  • Stiffness in the shoulder


To make a diagnosis for Clavicle Fracture, the orthopedic surgeon may examine the affected area to look for visible deformity, swelling, tenderness or an open wound. The patient might be recommended to undergo certain imaging tests such as X-rays and CT scans to determine the extent of the injury, pinpoint the exact location, and determine if any surrounding joints or muscles are damaged.


  • Immobilization: The patient may be suggested to wear a sling for some days to provide support and restrict the movement of the affected shoulder. The duration to wear the sling usually depends upon the severity of the injury.
  • Medications: The orthopedic doctor may also recommend over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications to provide relief from the pain and tenderness.
  • Physical Therapy: In many cases, physical therapy may be required simultaneously while wearing a sling. This helps to minimize stiffness and lack of motion in the shoulder. After the sling has been removed, rehabilitation exercises may be needed to restore muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Surgery: Surgery might be required in case of an open fracture if the broken bone has cut through the skin The bone has smashed into several pieces The bone has been severely dislocated. During the procedure, the orthopedic surgeon may hold the bone in its place using plates, screws, or rods.

For more information about the treatment options for clavicle fracture, schedule an appointment with one of the physicians at OrthoTexas.

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