
Back pain is one of the most common problems faced by people around the world today. Back pain results from various different factors and each case of is unique. Minor cases of back pain can be cured within a few weeks with minimal treatment while major problems might even need surgery and post-operative rehabilitation to get better. Thus pain needs proper diagnosis before treatment can commence and no matter what the causes are, proper orthopedic treatment of back pain is a must for complete recovery. Types of back pain can be a result of a number of different factors. The most common among these are:

  • Mechanical Problems – These are issues that are a result of lack of relaxation, proper alignment, and balance in the back region. Typically, these take time to build up and usual symptoms include tension in the back, spasms, and degeneration, deterioration, and breakdown of joints.
  • Impact Damage and Injuries – A large number of cases of back pain happen as a result of injuries. Accident falls from a height and impact damage contributes in a major way to being the root causes of the pain. Injuries can also cause sprains, bruising, and fractures in the back.
  • Acquired Conditions – These are diseases that contribute to back pain which include arthritis, osteoarthritis, abnormally curved spinal column, and some other conditions. Fatigue, lack of rest, and repetitive stress can cause circumstance which lead to severe back pain.

When to seek orthopedic treatment

For minor cases of back pain, a few days of rest might ease the pain. However, if the pain is severe or does not go away you should consult an orthopedic surgeon. In case of accidents or falls it is imperative that you go for orthopedic care immediately to get the problem diagnosed and commence treatment.


Treatment for back pain usually starts off with the correct diagnosis of the causes and factors contributing to the pain, and the correct identification of the condition. As an aid to this, intense physical examination can be done coupled with diagnostic tests like x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. Depending on the condition and the severity of the symptoms your orthopedic doctor will either opt for non-surgical measures to heal the condition or make use of surgical techniques to heal the pain. Rest, immobilization, application of heat and ice, and physical therapy may be useful in certain cases, while cases that need surgery, the doctor with advise proper post-surgery rehabilitation.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!