Elbow Arthritis: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

Elbow Arthritis: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

The elbow is a complex joint that connects the lower arm to the upper arm. It is composed of three main bones, namely the ulna, humerus and radius that join together to help you bend, rotate or straighten the arm. Elbow Arthritis is a painful condition causing damage...
Elbow Arthritis: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

Tennis Elbow: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tennis Elbow is a common orthopedic condition caused as a result of overuse of hand, arm and forearm muscles. In clinical terms, it is referred to as Lateral Epicondylitis and is most commonly seen in people who play tennis or other racquet sports. The condition...
Olecranon Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Olecranon Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Olecranon Bursitis is a common medical condition with symptoms like inflammation and swelling in the Bursa. Bursa is a small fluid filled sac located at the outer portion of the elbow which provides a soft covering to the elbow and allows for smooth movements when...
Elbow Arthritis: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

Elbow Dislocations: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano TX

Elbow dislocation occurs when any bone that forms the particular joint displaces from its normal position. Though elbow dislocation is not as common as a shoulder dislocation it is however one of the most frequently dislocated joint of the human body. Elbow...

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